Rhinoceros Iguana at Australia Zoo
Thirsty Blue-tongue Lizard
Sumatran Tiger at Australia Zoo
Superb Fairy Wren with a mouthful
Eastern Spinebill
Water Dragon Lizard
Tawny Frogmouth in my oak tree
Female Satin Bowerbird raiding the seedpods
Bees swarmping on a bottlebrush flower
King Parrot foraging for seeds
Male King Parrot
His mate, female King Parrot
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Three juvenille Blue-faced Honeyeaters at the bird bath
Red Wattlebird
Musk Lorikeet
Bird Bath Antics
Bird Bath Friends
Juvenille Satin Bowerbird mid plumage change
Juvenille Superb Fairy-wren mid plumage change
Peacock amongst the hydrangeas, Cataract Gorge, Launceston
Eastern Spinebill
Eastern Spinebill, a female or juvenille
A pair of Eastern Rozellas
Kookaburra in my Gumtree
Playful Galahs
Red Wattlebird
Noisy Friarbird
Grey Fantail on the banks of the Snowy River
Blue-faced Honeyeater finding grubs in the eucalypt
Rainbow Lorikeet
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Baby Blue-faced Honeyeaters being fed by parent